My hubs has such a wierd sense of humor sometimes, it makes me laugh so hard!
A child of mine is struggling in an English class, when typically straight A's are earned every semester and every year ever since kindergarten.
You know how sometimes we get a teacher that is hard to please, no matter what??
My hubs recently sent a purposely misspelled and misgrammatized email to this teacher:
Deer Ms. xxxxxxx-
I wood like to make a apointment for parant teacher conferance next Thursday. Please have me a time to met with you. I is avaleable all day Thursday. I look foreward to met with xxxx english teacher.
xxxx's DAD,
xxxx xxxxxx
I heard about this when I saw my child and hubs laughing so hard in the evening a couple days ago, guffawing enough until the walls were rattling. When I went to see what the commotion was all about, I looked at the sent email from my email database. Haha! You gotta give them points for this!!!
Shortly after, the teacher emailed back. Very simple and to the point. No misspellings or grammatical errors. Not even ONE punctuation mistake. And NO mention of the obvious "poorly written" email on my hub's end. Hope that teacher has a sense of humor!
(Note: all the xx's are for privacy concerns)
Hav nyce day, and dont' fourget to laff and laff yor head of onece in a whyle!